Serve at Advent
There are many ways to get involved at Advent. Look over the possibilities below or speak to any of the staff about ways you can use your gifts and talents.
Worship Assistants
Assisting in worship is a great way to get involved as a family or as an individual. There are many opportunities to share your gifts of hospitality with others. If you are interested please contact the office.
Greeters - welcome people to our church.
Ushers - hand out bulletins, collect the offering and direct the congregation to communion.
Lectors - read the Old Testament and New Testament lessons of the week. They will be sent to you in advance.
Communion Assistants - help the pastors distribute the wine and collect the wine cups during communion.
Acolytes – Confirmation students o sign up to be an acolyte during worship services.
Working with Children & Youth
Sunday School Teachers - Grades K-5​
Middle School & High School Leaders
If you are interested in helping out in ANY capacity, please let us know.
Alter Guild
Altar guild are those who help with communion set up between worship services. We also utilize folks who help with Sanctuary turnover between worship seasons.
If interested in either ministry, contact the church office.
Lawn Care
Do you like to clean out the dirt and clutter? Are you interested in helping with the upkeep of the building? The possibilities in this vocation are too plentiful to list here; just know that we’ll work with you to find your maintenance passion.
Lawn Care / Gardening: Mowing and Trimming the grounds or taking care of the Prayer Garden.
A current Lawn Care Schedule is posted on in the Narthex.