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Making a Difference Beyond Advent


This program helps build civic pride by beautifying Olathe city streets, increasing safety and decreasing litter and other pollutants through trash removal. Want to help? Contact the office to signup individually, with your family or church group. 



Jacob’s Closet: 

Material, quilt batting, sheets (When you are spring cleaning or at a garage sale remember Jacobs Closet!)  box in coat closet.




Metropolitan Lutheran Ministeries
MLM provides critical help to the poorest of the poor in metropolitan Kansas City. 

Once a month Advent serves breakfast. Check the bulletin or newsletter for information.
Community for Kids

Beginning in 2012 Community for Kids has provided weekend food packs to food insecure students who were identified by their Blue Valley School District (BVSD) principals and counselors.

From their pantry, located on the school district campus, this organization is packing and delivering food to over 200 students in 14 BVSD schools on a weekly basis.

Community for Kids relies solely on individuals and other community organizations for their monetary and volunteer support.  If you are interested in donating food, funds, or your time please contact the office.


Please visit their website at to learn more about this program.

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ELCA Good Gifts

Gifts with a  Conscience - Thanks to the ELCA you can wrap your gift in hope through charitable buying. ELCA "Good GIfts" - offers different ways to give to the ELCA and honor those whom you love too.  You can give a duck or a water well...vaccinate a child or send a girl to school.

ELCA Good Gifts

Gifts with a  Conscience - Thanks to the ELCA you can wrap your gift in hope through charitable buying. ELCA "Good GIfts" - offers different ways to give to the ELCA and honor those whom you love too.  You can give a duck or a water well...vaccinate a child or send a girl to school.

Lutheran World Relief

Lutheran World Relief is a non-profit organization that works with local partners to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering.

Give Hope Africa

Advent sponsors children from Ethiopia and Zambia


Their vision is to see all children growing and living to their full potential.

Mission Statement.  More info at:


Camp Toma Shinga

Camp Tomah Shinga is a member of the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Association of Kansas, or LOMAK. It has been serving the Central States Synod and beyond for over half a century.

Settled in the beauty of the Flint Hills, Camp Tomah Shinga aims to teach all of God’s children about the beauty and mystery of His creation all around us. In this day and age of technology, spending a week soaking in the outdoors and interacting face to face with friends is so valuable.


Mission Trips
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Mission Team Directive....Committing our resources to help restore and rebuild the greater community


This ministry is based on volunteers, including youth, from all walks of life.  We build hope while serving others, providing materials, labor and prayer support.  We work side-by-side with our neighbors helping the local community and beyond.


Past Mission Events have been to Garden City, Houston, Haiti to clear the grounds around the Global Therapy Group clinic; to Agua Prieta, Mexico to build adobe houses; to New Orleans to help clean up from Hurricane Katrina.  Our first mission was to Atongo, Mexico to help build Cristo Rey Lutheran Church.  There have also been trips to Joplin to cleanup after the tornado and the Dominican Republic to dig a water well.

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